Official Club Sponsors

Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club News story


09 Oct 2017

Here we go again.......

There seems to be a good bit of interest in touring in 2018. So I am asking for interest please! minimum number we need is 14 and it should again be around £350  per person. For those who haven't been before, this covers the bus for the entire 4 days, from Chelmsford,  3 nights accommodation, match fees and teas.

The only money required is spending money.

We will go the weekend after the end of the league season.

The dates would be Thursday 6th September till Sunday 9th September. We will go with he same format of  a 20/20 on the Thursday followed by 3 40 over games.

We are happy to return to Taunton as it makes it much easier to organise fixtures however we are open to suggestions of other locations if anyone has any.


For now could i have a show of hands as to who is interested either on text 07718585798 or email or