Official Club Sponsors


Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club - WMCC Code of Behavoir

Code of Behaviour

Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club Code of Behaviour

WMCC is founded on the opportunities for enjoyable and competitive cricket, fair play and respect for all, and has integrity, respect and teamwork at the heart of its values.  Adherence to these values builds our reputation with members, supporters, visitors, other clubs and cricket organisations, the local community, and builds a vibrant enjoyable place to play cricket, ultimately making the club well respected and even more successful.

The purpose of this Code is to set out the standards of behaviour expected by all members of the club. Failure to abide by the Code may result in disciplinary action being taken, to ensure the standards of the club are maintained.


  • Acting in an open and honest way, recognising that personal conduct reflects on the club
  • Actively promoting the club as a reputable organisation.
  • Maintaining appropriate standards of responsible behaviour, dress and appearance.
  • Complying fully with the Spirit and Laws of cricket and competition regulations


Self- respect, and that of the club, is enhanced by professionalism, good sportsmanship and conscientiousness. This means:

  • Treating all players, officials, spectators and others with whom we play cricket at home or away, with dignity and respect, ensuring that all receive the best experience of WMCC.
  • Maintaining your dignity and promoting that of fellow club members
  • Respect for captain's and officials' decisions. 


  • Leading by example, contributing to team morale.
  • Actively contributing to the overall team effort pre-, during and post-match, on and off the field.
  • Placing team goals before your own individual goals, if appropriate.


Do's and Don’ts 

  • Do - adhere to the code of behaviour
  • Do - be respectful of all match participants and spectators
  • Do-promote the club in a positive manner

  • Don't - intimidate or argue with players, on or off the field
  • Don't - challenge decisions made by officials
  • Don't - use bad language when playing, spectating or in a clubhouse

Monitoring and discipline

Team captains are responsible for ensuring the code of behaviour is adhered to by their team on match days.  Additionally, any club member may report to any disciplinary committee member or the club chairman any transgression of the code of behaviour.

The disciplinary committee will monitor all instances of events reported where it is considered the Code has not been followed. Such instances will be investigated and if necessary the disciplinary committee will recommend the appropriate level of action to the senior committee (Vice-Chairman/Secretary) for approval. Once a decision has been reached a member of the disciplinary committee will proceed to contact the individual in question to deliver the verdict. Discipline and penalties that may be imposed by WMCC on members for breaches of code of behaviour include: 

  • Level 1 - Verbal warning (private) 
  • Level 2 - Written warning (private) and possible suspension from matches.
  • Level 3 - Written warning (public) and immediate suspension from matches.
  • Level 4 - Public expulsion from club.

Members have the right of appeal which should be made directly to the Club Chairman. The decision on appeal will be final.

Each transgression of the code of behaviour by a member will incur escalation to the next level, regardless of the transgression, within a rolling 12-month period.

Expulsion from the club will be determined by the Club Committee.