Official Club Sponsors


Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club - 100 Club

The 100 Club

The WMCC 100 Club is open to all members both past and present. The scheme is a way of raising vital funds to complete club projects whilst also delivering prize money to lucky winners.

For just £12.00 you can attain a share within the 100 Club. 50% of the subscriptions are released as prize money throughout the season in scheduled 100 Club draws with the remaining 50% reinvested towards improvements around the club. Members may purchase multiple shares if they so wish.

Subscriptions for the 2024 100 Club are now open and should you wish to purchase a share please contact Keith Mitchell. The 100 Club bank account details are as follows:


SORT CODE: 20-04-96

WMCC would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank every member for their support towards the 100 Club.

100 Club 2024
 The subscribers (up to the end of December 2024) of the 2024 x WMCC 100 Club are as follows :-

31 Nigel Costin
32 Neil Friend
33 Toby Pateman
34 Craig Platt
35 Chris Collis
36 Rob Cook
37 Grace Melhuish
38 Stephen Gunshon
39 Finlay Jones
40 David Jones
41 Courtney Underwood
42  Jack Preston
43  Matt Clark
44  Sam Norman
45 Louise Wright
46  Nathan Hayman
47 Kevin Wright
48  Nick Goode
49  Gavin Cook
50  David Sawyer
51  Phillip Granger
52  Andy Coombes
53  Colin Sawyer
54  Steve Kelly
55  Andy Coombes
56  Mike Bunker
57  Manoj Tripathi
58  Nigel Richardson
59  Heather Bunker
60  Sheena Maxwell Kent
61  Angus Beames
62  Phillip Wakeling
63  Stuart Careless
64  Alex Franklin
65  Phillip Granger
66  Trevor Mason
67  Tony Brock
68  Kate Brock
69  Nick Goode
70  James Mickley
71  Andy Brown
72  Sheena Maxwell Kent
73  Stuart Phillips
74  Phillip Granger
75  Kylie Fannon
76  Nigel Costin
77  Audrey Mitchell
78  Nigel Richardson
79  Keith Lester
80  Freddie Beames
81  Debbie Verlander
82  Josh Love
83  Geoff Reddin
84  Phillip Granger
85  Shirley Smith
86  Neil Friend
87  Colin Sawyer
88  Stuart Phillips
89  FREE NO.
90  Steve Collis
91  Ollie Glasson
92  Stuart Careless
93  Dan Smith
94  John Woodrow
95  Freddie Beames
96  Ian Ball
97  George Verlander
98  Gary Verlander
99  Sam Older
100 Cameron Hayman
101 Maisie Marshall
102 Steve Collis
103 Damian Fannon
104 Toby Pateman
105 David West
106 Angus Beames
107 Keith Mitchell
108 John Woodrow
109 Matt Oliver
110 Damian Abeyratna
111 Nick Goode
112 Keith Lester 
113 Andy Brown
114 Steve Kelly
115 Finlay Jones

84 subscribers raising £1008 (84 x £12)
This means at least £504 will be paid out in prize money and at least £504 will go to the Club.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS RESPONDED IN SUPPORTING THE 100 CLUBIN 2023. After the difficulties of 2020, we now have a healthy membership and that is reflected in a RECORD number of shares sold in the 100 club. To those who would still like a share or have another share, you can have one for £12. Just contact me on 07720 889235.

Kind regards, 

Keith Mitchell