The Chairman's Message
I am writing to remind all club members of their responsibilities when representing the Club. To quote from the Law book, cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game.
I would ask all members to familiarise themselves with the Spirit of the Game, which can be viewed in the Preamble to the Laws on the Lords website at
In particular, I would draw your attention to the following points:
- The Spirit of the Game involves respect for your opponents, your captain and the role of the umpires.
- It is against the Spirit of the Game to dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gesture.
- It is against the Spirit of the Game to direct abusive language towards an opponent or an umpire.
- The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as the Laws.
Cricket is a competitive sport and I recognise that things may be said or done in the heat of the moment. However, the Club expects that all our team captains will exercise suitable control over their teams and will take action whenever they deem it necessary and particularly when instructed to do so by the umpires. The Club also expects every player to respond in a positive way to the team captains and to comply with their instructions.
Specifically, it is NOT acceptable for any Woodham Mortimer player to:
- Attempt to intimidate or deliberately distract an opponent.
- To show dissent to an umpire’s decision. This applies equally to appointed umpires or player umpires.
- To verbally abuse an opponent, an umpire, a spectator or a team mate.
- To behave in an aggressive manner towards an opponent, an umpire, a spectator or a team mate.
- The above also applys when using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
The Club values its reputation and the Committee will deal promptly, robustly and fairly with any incidents which are viewed as contrary to the Spirit of the Game and will not hesitate to take disciplinary action where necessary.