Good afternoon,
Annual Subscriptions for Woodham Mortimer Cricket club are now due.
This year we have had 2 very large expenses, the replacement of the gang mower and the roller. Its unfortunate that both of our main pieces of kit have
died in the same year. We can do without most things but without fully functioning gangs and a roller we would be unable to prepare the ground for match days.
The gangs were fully purchased through donations and a fund raising effort over last winter raising over £4500. The replacement roller cost is £10860.00. For those
interested it is an exact replacement AR4 from Poweroll. We have traded in our existing AR4 for a fully reconditioned version. This is the same firm that have been
making these rollers forever! Our current one was manufactured in 1952 and has had a few replacement engines over the years however the clutch and gearing
are all still original and has cost quite a bit to maintain over the years. It is now no longer financially viable to repair or maintain.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t stretch to power steering however this will future proof our club for years to come.
Roller £10860 (ECB loan £8860 club funds £2000)
Deposit -£1500.
Balance £9360 due in April 2025
ECB interest free loan of £8860 over 5 years, to be repaid in 4 quarterly installments per year of £443.00.
Payment dates: 25 Feb, 24 May, 29 Aug, 25 Nov.
The club currently has around £8500.00. So therefore, we are asking for Annual subs to be paid as promptly as possible to make up the short fall.
Senior Subscription: £100.00
Student/junior/pensioner Subscription: £65.00
1809 club: £15.00
Bank account details: Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club, Account Number: 17732902, Sort Code: 09-07-24.
We would like all subscriptions paid by the end of April so if you would like to pay in 4 installments (Jan, Feb, March, April) please get in touch with George Verlander
and Mark Beames. Current or long term club members will not be selected until subscriptions are paid. New members will be asked to contribute half initially
with the balance due by June if you intend to remain a member. If a new member decides to no longer play for Woodham after the first 4 weeks of the season
we will happily refund the initial payment. Of course, if you wish to pay full subscriptions up front that would be appreciated.
Please do not leave it to the last minute. We spend far too much time chasing people for money.
We will again consider a percentage of your annual subs as a donation (£25 for full subscriptions and £15 from concessions) This enables the club to claim back the gift aid.
We are also asking any member who wishes to donate to the fund to please do so. We are setting up a new crowd funder page with an initial target of £2500. If any member
wishes to donate, please contact George Verlander and Mark Beames. We had several very generous donations to the gang mower last year and we hope to attract similar
donations for the roller. We have set up a new CrowdFunder page to solicit donations. Please give generously!
WMCC - Roller Fund - a Community crowdfunding project in Maldon by Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club