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Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club News story

Welcome to Woodham Mortimer CC 2024 outdoor season!

01 Apr 2024

Good afternoon,

Welcome to Woodham Mortimer CC 2024 outdoor season!


Please read on as there is quite a bit of information to pass on.

  1. Fixtures: Website is now flipped over to 2024. Availability is available. We have a full program of League, Sundays and 20/20 games. All selection is off the website so please keep it updated. We are due to play the first home game on the 20th of April. This is now highly unlikely due to the appalling weather. The square has been mowed a few times but there has been no chance to roll yet, and the outfield is still like a swamp!
  2. All players must now be registered on Play Cricket and registered with the League. This is all completed.
  3. All members must complete the club registration form. Please see the below link for the membership form for the 2024 season. This must be filled in to play for the club due to insurance and ECB safeguarding reasons. It also makes us compliant with data regulations.

    Woodham Mortimer Cricket Club Membership Form 2024 (

                                    We have 22 registered so far with approximately 27 to go. Please complete this ASAP.

  4. Membership:

    Full membership is £100.00.

    Student/junior is £65.00.

    If you are new and unsure what you should pay, please ask.


    Sort code 090724

    Acc 17732902

    A reminder that the extra 25 on full subs and the extra 20 on junior/student subs will go directly to the roller fund.

    Please let the club know when you pay so we can track it. So far, we have had 17 full membership payments and 3 1809 club payments. This time of the year is a very expensive one for the club so if you can pay now, please do so. Subs are due by the 30th of April. “No pay; no play!”

  5. WhatsApp groups: We have a “silent” club WhatsApp group. This seemed to work well last year so we will continue with it again. 90% of club information will flow through that chat. This cuts down on email traffic, and we feel this is a better way to quickly pass on information.  
  6. Finally, and most important! We have a major tree issue on the outfield. Josh Love is donating a day of his time to come down with his chainsaw to help cut up the fallen trees. We plan to do this on SUNDAY THE 14TH OF APRIL. We will require a small army to move the fallen timber. We will also plan to complete some other jobs on that day depending on the state of the outfield. Hopefully 2 weeks’ notice will be enough. We really need as many as possible to help on that day.

    We will post a poll in the WhatsApp group.

  7. Finally, we have several new members this year so if anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to ask.